Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Welcome to Yellow Stitches Boutique!

     We are so glad that you have wandered upon our website. To help you better navigate I would like to take just a minute of your time to tell you about us and what we do. 

     First off, we are sisters in Christ Jesus, born again of one spirit, and seeking to glorify God in all that we do, and that includes Yellow Stitches Boutique. To read more about the owners of Yellow Stitches Boutique, you can visit their personal blogs by clicking their names on the top links bar or right here, Olivia or Lacy. To shop in their store simply click on the Boutique tab, and to read more about how Yellow Stitches Boutique got started click the About tab.

     Thank you for visiting and please feel free to comment below. We love your feedback, and look forward to hearing from you! Don't forget to subscribe at the bottom of this page!

     Blessings and Love,
                Olivia & Lacy